Do I need Safety Nets for my project?
In most cases the answer will be yes. If you are working at height there is a legal obligation to ensure you are taking all necessary steps to ensure protection from a fall.
Worksafe NZ has a zero tolerance policy for projects not taking fall safe protection into consideration.
Will your nets fit my particular site?
We have a variety of sizes to cope with most customer demands. There maybe the odd exception and is usually related to issues with fixing the netting system in place. Concrete block walls & various architectural features can provide challenges which can generally be overcome.
How much notice do you need to install my nets?
We prefer as much notice as you possible but 48 hours is generally enough notice for us to react to your needs.
What’s included in your rate?
Our rate is a m2 rate based on the internal footprint of your project. Our charge out rate covers the cost of installation, up to 15 day net rental & the dismantle upon completion.
Can my team walk on the nets?
Absolutely not. The nets are designed to stretch & absorb impact upon a fall. Walking on the nets will cause irreparable damage & will need to be replaced immediately.
Can I untie or unhook a net to get access to work?
In short, no! Only a qualified installer can alter the nets and rope tie system. You must not tamper with any part of the system. Pro-Net must be notified if the client wishes to change or alter the system so we can implement any changes.
How long will the nets stay up for?
In most cases the process of installing the top plate, trusses, facia, gutter & roof takes less than 3 working weeks. Our charge out rate covers 15 working days. If you require an extension then a small excess rental charge applies.
Should the nets be tight or sagging?
The nets should have between 5-10% sag & should never be pulled tight. Over tight nets can pull wall out of plumb and are a sign of poor training & installation techniques.
How far apart should the fixings (hooks) be?
The maximum centres for hooks is 2.5m but industry ‘best practice’ is between 1.5m & 2m.
How do we know if the net is damaged or compliant?
The riggers will check every net upon installation for ware & tare & possible damage. The nets also carry a unique serial number with 3 x U.V test patches. The Manufacturers tag has the age date of the net & nets are tested on an annual basis for U.V degradation.
Ultimately a job will not be handed over to the customer without the nets meeting our strictest safety standards.
Can the net be fixed to scaffold handrails, Purlins, gutter supports etc?
Generally this is not an acceptable practice. There are special circumstances where alternative fixing is required but should only be assessed & undertaken by a qualified FASET trained installer.
What happens if someone falls into the net?
If the party who has fallen into the net has serious injury you may need to cut the net to extract the patient.
You must also notify Pro-Net immediately to ensure a replacement can be installed.
From what maximum height can someone fall into a net?
Whilst tested for a free fall distance of up to 6m, safety nets should be fixed as close as possible to the working platform . If possible with the centre of the net within 2m of the working platform.